AE500-A AUTOMATIC EXTRACTION AGITATOR WITH SCALE – The AE-500A is a simple system that allows quick and safe the standardization of control of blood donations to PC data transfer and processing them in our exclusive software.
- Shaker scale extraction and digital programmable volume to weight.
- Enables automation and standardization of donations.
- Keyboard with command keys soft touch type.
- Set the volume to be extracted.
- LCD display with two rows , 16 characters each, showing donation time, donation flow (ml/s), volume collected and alarms.
- Programmable volume to be extracted.
- Bag and anticoagulant automatic lock.
- Manual and automatic tubing obturation clamp.
- Visual and audible alarms.
- Control and alarm of high/low flow.
- Control and alarm indicating lack of tubing.
- Permanent agitation of the extracted unit.
- Computer interphase connection through RS-232 port.
- Storage up to 500 donations with all parameters includes.
- Transporting handles on cabinet.
- Automatic calibration system.
- Autorecargable battery. 48 hs battery autonomy. Battery status indicator.