ALDHbr Assay Kit For the detection of CD34+ and ALDHbr cells in human cord blood


The ALDHbr Assay Kit is optimized for the identification and quantitation of CD34+ cells that express high levels of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in human cord blood samples. This kit contains both the CD34+ Cell Detection Kit and the ALDEFLUOR™ Kit. The CD34+ Cell Detection Kit contains pre-selected fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies that have been optimized for use with the ALDEFLUOR™ Kit to detect cells that express CD34 and have high ALDH activity by flow cytometry. The CD34+ Cell Detection Kit contains anti-human antibodies APC CD34, PE CD45, and PE-Cyanine5 Glycophorin A/B, and 7-AAD viability dye.

A flow cytometer equipped with a 488 nm laser and a 635 nm laser for excitation and appropriate filters for detecting APC, PE, PE-Cyanine5 and 7-AAD fluorescence is required for use.

• Quantifies primitive HSCs in < 1 day
• Optimized to detect ALDHbrCD34+ cells in CB
• Enumerates viable, metabolically active, primitive cells in the CD34+ cell population
ALDHbr Assay Kit (Catalog #01711)
  • 1 x ALDEFLUOR™ Kit (Catalog #01700)
    • ALDEFLUOR™ Reagent
    • ALDEFLUOR™ DEAB Reagent
    • ALDEFLUOR™ Assay Buffer
    • 2 N HCl
    • DMSO
  • 2 x CD34+ Cell Detection Kits
    • 7-AAD Viability Dye
    • Anti-Human CD45 Antibody, Clone HI30, PE
    • Anti-Human CD34 Antibody, Clone 581, APC
    • Anti-Human CD235ab (Glycophorin AB) Antibody, Clone HIR2, PE-Cyanine5
Application: Flow Cytometry
Area of Interest: Cord Blood Banking; Stem Cell Biology
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