










Quantitative determination of fibrinogen according to Clauss is one of four basic tests.
Measurement of fibrinogen in plasma is made at hyperfibrinogenemia which is connected with heaviness of inflammatory, immune, destructive
processes and it is one of the factors of increased risk of hyper viscose syndrome, arterial and
infarction organs. Reduced fibrinogen concentration is observed at acute DIC, treatment by fibrinolytic,
at innate hypo- and dysfibrinogenemia.
Principle Method is based on peculiarity of kinetic reaction fibrinogen-thrombin when tested blood plasma is diluted 10 times to reduce  influence of thrombin inhibitors

(antithrombin IIIand others). In these conditions, at high thrombin concentration and low fibrinogen concentration
time of clot forming depends only on fibrinogen quantity. Fibrinogen concentration is detected on calibrating straight, using calibration plasma with
known fibrinogen content.

The kit of reagents for the determination of fibrinogen quantity.
Cat. # PH-10/1 for 160-320 assays.
The kit of lyophilized dried human thrombin of high purify.
– Thrombin (2 mL), lyophilized – 8 vials
– Standard plasma (1 mL), lyophilized – 1 vial
– Imidazole buffer, concentrated (5 mL) – 1 vial

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